Dynamic Search Ads for eCommerce. Here’s why you must use them!

Dynamic Search Ads for eCommerce

While creating advertising strategies with Google Ads for eCommerce, the Dynamic Search Ads campaign often get ignored. Perhaps, the reason is that there’s a myth associated with this campaign type that says it’s more suited for non-eCommerce, more specifically, lead generation goals only.

But, that’s not right.

Dynamic Search Ads are well suited for eCommerce. Or say, it’s a required campaign type for eCommerce businesses using Google Ads. I will show you how, but let’s first understand what a dynamic search ad campaign is all about?

What are Dynamic Search Ads?

Dynamic Search Ads or DSA is a type of ad where your text ad copies are dynamically created based on the content of your website.

When someone searches Google with the terms or phrases closely related to the content on a specific page of your website, Google uses its Title, page URL, and the page content to create an ad for you.

It all happens dynamically, users’ query on Google matches a page on your website, an ad is created and the user is driven to that page.

No hassle of choosing keywords and writing multiple ads.

Yes, you do not need to add keywords or write different ads for different pages on your website. It all happens dynamically. That’s the beauty of DSA campaigns.

But, how does Google know your website pages and contents?

It relies on your website’s pages indexed for organic searches. However, you also have the option to manually indicate to Google the list of the pages which you want to be considered for Dynamic Search Ads.

Why are Dynamic Search Ads suited well for eCommerce businesses?


Google Ads Dynamic Search Ads Strategies

To answer this question, let us analyse how a typical Google Ads campaign mix for eCommerce businesses look like? It usually includes the following:

  • Shopping Campaigns
  • Brand Search Campaign
  • Normal Search Campaigns
  • Display Campaigns
  • Discovery Campaigns
  • Video Campaigns

And then, there are strategies for new acquisitions and remarketing using different campaign types.

Here it’s important to note that most eCommerce businesses are focussed either on increasing sales or improving Returns On Advertising Spends (ROAS). For that reason, most of the campaigns optimize for Conversions or Conversion Value. And when you do so, you would notice that your campaigns target majorly middle and bottom of the funnel audiences.

In short, your Campaigns are optimized to target quick-wins as the primary focus.

There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s how it should roughly be.

But, you should understand that your current strategy ignores your potential customers at the top-of-the-funnel or upper-middle-of-the-funnel.

As a result, an audience gap is created which you miss marketing to.

Dynamic Search Ads work to bridge this gap and enable your campaigns mix to address the entire funnel. And, it’s a wise thing to do.

While your core campaigns work to bring in immediate conversions, DSA attracts a pool of potential customers to the conversion funnel which your other campaigns supported by remarketing campaigns would help convert over a period.

Ideally, your campaign mix should cater both to short-term and to long-term goals.

How to make the most of Dynamic Search Ads?

Your DSA campaigns can be made to address the following types of queries:

Generic & Informational Search Terms

A good percentage of people use Google to discover new brands for the products of their interests. It’s not possible very efficiently on Social Channels.

Consider queries like – top brands for ayurvedic skincare, best sites to buy western dresses, online stores for latest tops, etc..

The intent of the users searching for these queries clearly is brand discovery. They want to find brands they may or may not be aware of.

As an eCommerce business, it’s an opportunity for you to tap into. Dynamic Search Ads are the perfect fit for this purpose.

Brand + Product Name + Category Name queries

A mistake that most eCommerce businesses make is to have just one branded keyword search campaign to address all such queries. And, such campaigns are normal search campaign, ads are set up with the homepage URL as the landing page.

Now consider an example…

You are searching for brand XYZ’s rose water. So, your query would be something similar to XYZ rose water.

Now imagine the experience you will have when the brand-search ad of XYZ takes you to the homepage and not to the ‘rose water’ specific page?

It would be frustrating when you would need to find the product in question by using the navigation menu or by a quick search on the site’s homepage. In both cases, it’s not what you expected to happen.

So clearly, it’s a bad experience which can turn you off simply and you may change your mind about buying the product in question. Why? Because your path-to-purchase was unnecessarily complicated.

This is where Dynamic Search Ads can come to the rescue.

If the brand XYZ sets up its brand-search campaign to target only exact match keywords and the DSA campaign is allowed to address brand name + product name queries, the experience for the user coming through would be pleasant. And, it will impact conversions positively.

A quick tip here would be to exclude exact match brand-terms from the DSA campaign so that conflict is avoided.

RDSA Campaigns

RDSA basically means Remarketing via Dynamic Search Ads.

Make use of different remarketing audience lists and target them on Google Search net with the help of Dynamic Search Ads campaigns. It takes the pain of finding the right keywords and writing multiple ads for different products and categories on your website. Your DSA campaign automatically finds the relevant page from your website, prepares the ad and shows it to your potential buyers who already have visited your website in the past. If your remarketing list size for search campaign is more than 1000, you should use this strategy. It definitely has the benefits.

That’s was all for this post here.

Are you using Dynamic Search Ads campaigns for your eCommerce business yet? Share your experience in the comment section below. I will be happy to jump in.

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